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Wege an die TU Clausthal

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Wege ins Ausland

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Das Sprachenzentrum des Internationalen Zentrums Clausthal (IZC) bietet ein großes Angebot an Sprachkursen verschiedener Niveaustufen.

Willkommen am Internationalen Zentrum Clausthal

Unter dem Dach des Internationalen Zentrums (IZC) arbeiten das International Office und das Sprachenzentrum der TU Clausthal gemeinsam an der Internationalisierung von Studium und Lehre.

Wir sind für die Auslandskooperationen der TU Clausthal zuständig und betreuen in diesem Rahmen Delegationen, vertreten die Hochschule bei internationalen Messen und Veranstaltungen und bauen das Netz der Partnerschaften weiter aus. Wir verantworten das Sprachkursangebot und entwickeln das Programm im Hinblick auf die wachsende Nachfrage nach sprachlichen Zusatzqualifikationen weiter. Darüber hinaus berät das IZC das Präsidium der TU Clausthal in Fragen der Internationalisierung.


National Dong Hwa University-Study Abroad Program (Scholarship) for Spring 2025

National Dong Hwa University-Study Abroad Program (Scholarship) for Spring 2025

Dear students,

The NDHU has secured financial assistance from MOFA Taiwan, enabling us to offer scholarships for TU Clausthal students who wish to join our Study Abroad Program with a scholarship for the upcoming spring semester. Here are the essential details:

Study Abroad Program with Scholarship

This Study Abroad Program, which includes a scholarship, is distinct from the regular exchange program covered in our existing agreement. The scholarship opportunities are in addition to the exchange student slots, so you are encouraged to apply for both the traditional exchange and the scholarship programs simultaneously. Please note that students selected for the scholarship program will bear the costs incurred at NDHU.

Scholarship Details:

  • Monthly stipend: NTD 18,000 (approximately EUR 535)
  • Funding period: February 2025 to June 2025 (5 months)

Scholarship Requirements:

While at NDHU, scholarship recipients must:

  • Complete at least TWO courses, including ONE academic course from their college and ONE Chinese language course from the General Education Center.
  • Participate in "Hands Together" activities TWICE, which involve introducing their cultures and languages to local elementary and junior high school students.

Course Selection Flexibility:

Students can choose courses across different levels, colleges, and departments, similar to regular exchange students.

Financial Responsibilities:

Scholarship recipients are expected to cover the following expenses:

  • Tuition: NTD 35,000 per semester (undergraduate) / NTD 25,000 (graduate)
  • Accommodation: NTD 10,000 per semester
  • Medical insurance: NTD 3,000 per semester
  • Other expenses: For books, meals, transportation, and cultural trips

Application Process:

There are limited scholarships available (Germany: 5) and these will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The application deadline is November 15, 2024. Please submit your nominee's details to ice@gms.ndhu.edu.tw as soon as possible, including:

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Home University
  • Nationality
  • Gender

Once we receive your information, we will confirm participation and guide your students through the application process.

More information can be found here.